In today’s market FHA/VA loans are very popular amongst buyers, especially first time home buyers. However, in order to have the home you want approved for one of these loans, it has to pass an inspection ordered by the FHA/VA. What most buyers don’t understand is the difference between this inspection, and a regular home inspection. Many of those people who don’t know the difference end up relying on the approved inspection done by the FHA/VA inspector, and they don’t order their own. This could hurt them after closing when they realize their dream home has problems from a nightmare. For those of you who don’t know the difference between these inspections let me explain. When the FHA/VA orders an inspection they are looking to see that the home meets the minimum requirements for their health and safety standards, what they are not looking for is the little things that add up to big expenses. Now, when you hire your own inspector (referred to you by your realtor) you can trust them to go in depth and find things like faulty wiring, plumbing issues, drainage issues, roof problems, foundation issues, and much more. As a realtor I want to help you protect yourself by only buying when you know what you are getting into. On your next transaction do yourself a favor, and get the inspection!
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Real Estate Tips •
December 8, 2022
Why you Should Hire a Home Inspector
by Brinly Knight
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